June 15, 2012


So, I've been thinking. What if I started a new feature? Yes, I know you're all busy with Follow Fridays and what nots, and they are nice, but I'd like to share something different.

You see, I love fanfiction. I started writing in there, and I spent a long time reading fanfic in my computer before I got my e-reader (shelf space has been a rare commodity in my place... since I was 14), and some of the fics out there I'd pay to read them, I swear.

Actually, while I do have a hefty pile of TBR and checking my schedule sometimes induces vertigo, I find myself drifting back into fanfiction from time to time. It's the perfect way to sooth an itch, and you can find almost anything you're in the mood for.

You can even find something good, really. There are some talented people out there, and who hasn't had a "what if" moment? Perhaps you'd not like to commit to a 100K unedited manuscript when you have book waiting for you, but wouldn't you like to read about "that" perfect scene that's been playing around in your head for ages about Alec and Magnus? Or what if Tessa hadn't loved Will, but Jem?

The Hunger Games? Vampire Academy? That sucky ending of the Inheritance cycle?

And what if someone could point you straight to the good stories, without having to sort through them yourself?

Yep. That's my point. I want to talk about fanfiction, and about fanfiction writers, and to point readers to places where they can get as much satisfaction as if they had brought a new installment of their favorite series. Knowing me, mostly I'll talk about games and manga, but there'll also be books... and besides, that's where you get to help as well.

What do you say? Meet me next friday for the first recommendation?


  1. Sounds good! So see you next week? :)


    1. Definitely! I will even try to come up with a banner icon or something :)

  2. I've never read fanfic. Ever. Are there certain sites that are best?

    1. I don't know about best, but certainly the largest one is (let's see if I can get the "a" tag right this once) Fanfiction.net. There are literally thousands (hundred of thousands, in Harry Potter case) of stories there, and some are really good! :)

  3. I used to read a lot of fanfic:) I am so excited to see what you recommend!

    1. I'm really excited about sharing my fave fanreads too! I'm not sure if they'll be in fandoms that interest anyone but me, but... Yeah. I can't wait for next week!

  4. I will def be here this coming friday! U should set up a linky link eventually I think your on to something here..

    1. Hehe! I'll try to research and figure out how to use the linky lists...

      We probably should beed an icon or something too! Look forward to your recommendations!

    2. Replying to myself: "beed"? What the heck is a "beed"? I don't know if I was trying to say that we'd need an icon or that we probably should design an icon...

      I talk weird LOL
